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Sunday 26 October 2008

Misteri Seorang Penyelia...Satu Pandangan Peribadi

Saya terpanggil menulis topik ini atas beberapa alasan yang sangat tidak disangka-sangka akhir-akhir ini. Antara justifikasi kuat ialah rutin sebagai pelajar PhD yang sedang, telah, dan akan saya harungi dan juga nasihat seorang pelajar saya pinta apabila penyelia projek tahun akhirnya 'melarangnya' membuat pembentangan akhir (dalam erti kata lain memberikan gred GAGAL sebelum pembentangan dan laporan akhir dilangsaikan oleh pelajar ini).
Pastinya secara asas, penyeliaan di peringkat PhD dan sarjana muda adalah sangat berbeza. Seorang calon PhD perlu mempunyai personaliti yang istimewa dengan sifat-sifat ingin berjaya yang tinggi, bersedia bekerja melangkaui jangkaan penyelia dan pastinya faham bahawa "PhD is my show".

Saya menyelak kembali 'kitab' tulisan Prof. Kamil berkenaan tajuk "Misteri Seorang Penyelia" di halaman 45 - 65. Secara jelas, Prof. Kamil juga menegaskan bahawa untuk pengajian PhD, peranan penyelia adalah tersangat minimum. Persoalannya, memadaikah kita berkerja keras tanpa mendapat bimbingan yang tepat?
Saya pernah berkerja di bawah seliaan Dr. Hj. Jiwa Abdullah (projek tahun akhir sarjana muda) dan Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad (disertasi sarjana) dan kini saya bekerja di bawah seliaan Dr. Jonathan Loo dan Prof. John Cosmas. Saya juga telah menyelia pelajar-pelajar berikut di peringkat sarjana muda mereka:
Selain itu, saya juga turut sama menyelia kumpulan-kumpulan kecil pelajar untuk POPBL untuk tahun 1, 2, 3 dan 4. Kupasan saya berkenaan tajuk ini ini adalah berdasarkan pengalaman, pemerhatian dan pandangan kemanusiaan saya yang penuh dengan kelemahan dari perspektif seorang bekas penyelia (supervisor) dan yang individu yang diselia (supervisee).
Namun dua syarat asas ini adalah asas yang sangat jelas dan bagi saya tidak boleh dipertikaikan bagi seorang pelajar tanpa keraguan:
  1. Seorang pelajar (yang diselia) seharusnya bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap kajian/penyelidikan/projek yang dijalankan. Istilah bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya bagi saya mempunyai nilai-nilai berikut: pelajar wajar berusaha gigih dan sedaya upaya, tidak mudah memberikan alasan-alasan untuk bersikap sambil lewa.
  2. Seorang pelajar perlu berusaha keras, kreatif, sedia dikritik dan tidak mudah berputus asa terhadap apa yang dikemukakan oleh penyelia dan pandangan individu lain. Kreatif merujuk kepada sifat bijak mendapatkan penyelesaian atau mencari jalan keluar terhadap satu-satu masalah berlaku. Misalnya, kajian tersebut memerlukan pelajar menggunakan perisian A tetapi penyelia tidak mahir menggunakannya, maka pelajar mesti mencari jalan keluar untuk belajar dari mana-mana sumber lain dan memastikan dirinya mahir dalam perisian tersebut bagi membolehkan kajian berjalan dengan jayanya. Sedia dikritik dan tidak mudah berputus asa pula merujuk kepada keterbukaan terhadap pandangan dan komen yang diberikan serta tidak mudah menyerah kalah - pastinya pandangan mereka yang lebih berpengetahuan dan berpengalaman itu bagi memastikan kajian berjalan dengan lancar dan cemerlang.

Namun, huraian berikut adalah berasaskan pengalaman saya sendiri sebagai seorang penyelia:

  1. Bimbingan: Aspek ini bagi saya sangat kritikal. Sejujurnya, mungkin ada yang kurang bersetuju, namun secara peribadinya saya melihat bimbingan dari seorang penyelia adalah sangat diperlukan walaupun sememangnya pelajar semestinya mempunyai sikap "independent" yang tinggi. "Membimbing dan menyelia" adalah tidak sama dengan "memanjakan" pelajar. Bezanya begini, dalam kajian penentuan skop kajian adalah sangat penting juga penggunaan alat bantu (perisian, perkakasan) serta kaedah kajian (methodology). Ya, pelajar perlu menentukan perisian dan perkakasan serta "methodology" yang ingin digunakan berdasarkan kajian perpustakaaan yang dibuat. Namun, siapakah yang berperanan membuat pengesahan atau "verification" terhadap semua aspek ini? Jawapannya adalah PENYELIA. Justeru, ini jelas membezakan antara "memanjakan - memberikan atau menyuap pelajar" dan "memberikan bimbingan". Justeru, adalah KESALAHAN BESAR bagi seorang penyelia jika kita tidak berupaya memberikan pengesahan dan memberikan bimbingan kepada pelajar.
  2. Kepakaran: Pastinya, walaupun kita seorang pensyarah semua perkara adalah di bawah penguasaan kita. Sekiranya kajian yang dijalankan oleh pelajar kita itu memerlukan penglibatan dan bantuan individu lain yang lebih pakar dan mahir, maka adalah "KEMESTIAN" bagi kita sebagai seorang penyelia untuk "MELANTIK SECARA RASMI" penyelia lain untuk memberikan bantuan dan kepakaran yang profesional kepada pelajar seliaan kita. Mengapa saya katakan, "MELANTIK SECARA RASMI"? kerana ini melibatkan persoalan profesionalisme, dan individu yang kita lantik juga mempunyai beban profesionalisme yang perlu dipikul. Maka, adalah adil kepakaran individu tersebut juga diangkat secara profesional. Saya sendiri misalnya pernah melantik secara rasmi Pn. Fairuzniza dan Pn. Rozaimah (dari MIMOS untuk projek-projek bagi Fahrul, Mee Lian, Kelvin, Nasarudin dan Noralim). Hairol Jabbar pastinya bukan nama yang asing dan sukar diungkapkan jasanya kepada pelajar-pelajar saya (Azlan dan Hafis) hingga berjaya menjadikan projek tersebut sangat memberikan kesan kepada saya sendiri secara peribadinya.
  3. Menghargai hasil kerja pelajar: Ya, penyelia berhak untuk jadi cerewet dan mahukan hasil yang terbaik ke arah kualiti kerja yang tinggi. Tetapi, wajarkah andai cerewet tanpa asas? Tentu sekali tidak! Cerewet dan mengkritik biarlah dengan memberikan cadangan. Janganlah dengan tiket kita sebagai pensyarah maka kita semudahnya mengkritik hasil kerja pelajar dan seringkali didengar "hasil kerja kamu nie, macam budak form 3 aje". Tetapi, apa pula cadangan penyelia?

Akhirnya, beberapa persoalan berikut saya lontarkan terutamanya untuk diri saya sendiri untuk saya nilai dan perhalusi:

  1. Wajarkah seorang penyelia melarang pelajarnya membuat pembentangan akhir? Bukankah peranan penyelia adalah memberikan bimbingan supaya pelajar berada pada jalan yang betul (on the right track) seawal kajian dijalankan? Kenapa pelajar tidak ditegur andai pelajar dilihat silap dalam menentukan arah kajian? Kenapakah pelajar tidak "dihambat" andai pelajar sudah mula hilang fokus?
  2. Wajarkah seorang penyelia semudah A, B dan C memberikan cadangan-cadangan untuk skop yang baru dalam kajian dan seolah-olah kajian ini bersifat gelung tertutup (close loop) yang berterusan tanpa hasil (outcome) sedangkan pelajar mempunyai kekangan masa misalnya 2 semester untuk projek tahun akhir dan 3 tahun untuk PhD?
  3. Wajarkah seorang penyelia seringkali memberikan alasan sibuk dan tidak menyemak hasil kerja berkala pelajar? Bagaimana mungkin bimbingan boleh diberikan sebaiknya jika penyelia tidak menyemak hasil kerja pelajar dari awal? Atau mungkinkah penyelia sendiri kurang berminat dengan kajian yang pelajar jalankan?

Akhirnya, persoalan-persolan dan apa yang diutarakan hanyalah satu perkongsian dan pandangan peribadi dari saya yang penuh dengan kelemahan. Saya adalah seorang "pelajar" seumur hidup.

English Class (Week 2)

Summary of Social Conversation Class
Lessson: Talking About Study Problems

  1. Why? What's up? = What's the problem?
  2. ... I'm just not keeping up. = ... I'm just not progressing
  3. ... I was too laid-back; thinking it'd be a piece of cake. = .. to relaxed/lazy / an easy task
  4. ... not up to par ... = not of an acceptable level
  5. ... drop out. = to quit
  6. It seems I'm not cut out for this course. = I'm not suited for this course
  7. You can't throw in the towel now. = You can't stop trying now
  8. No. I don't stand a chance of getting into another course now ... = No. I've little or no chance ...
  9. ... to see this course through ... = to continue with this course
  10. ... going to knuckle down ... = work hard
  11. ... ask for some pointers ... = some advice
  12. If I really get stuck into it... = concentrate
  13. That's more like it! = That's better idea

Summary of Vocabulary Class
Lessson: The Nature of Vocabulary (Synonym)

  1. evolve = develop, change, grow
  2. global = international, overall, worldwide
  3. environment = setting, surrounding, situation
  4. evidence = facts, proof, belief
  5. symbolize = be an emblem of, stand for, represent
  6. transform = change, make over, alter
  7. furthermore = in addition, also, moreover
  8. eventually = finally, sooner or later, in the end
  9. decline = do down, weaken, fall
  10. capacity = ability, power, competence

Summary of Academic Research Writing Class
Lessson: Punctuation (Part 1)

Semi-Colon (;) have two main uses in academic writing.

  1. To separate closely-related sentences - to separate two sentecnes which could be wirtten as independent sentences but very closely related in meaning.
  2. Complicated list - to separate item in lists, especially if the items are long and complicated and already contain commas

Colon (:) are used to add extra information after a clause.

  1. A colon can introduce a list
  2. A colon can be used before an explanation
  3. A colon is used before quotation

Sunday 19 October 2008

Research Updates

(1) Altera DE3
Justification for Altera DE3 board:

Logic elements: FPGA with Stratix III (EP3SL340) available with 338,000 logic elements
DE3 has a DDR2 SO-DIMM Socket. The maximum capacity and work frequency supported is 4G Byte and 266 Mhz respectively.


30 fps for 20 second CIF format it will requires up to 174 MB.

30 fps for 20 second HDTV 1080p format it will requires up to 3.47 GB.

Requirements of various test video sequence data.
Issues on how to video in, process and store back, we may consider these options:

Using the SD card and it can be accessed as optional external memory, or

Using the daughter card Terasic Multimedia Panel Daughter Board (MTDB). This board can offer a composite video input and 15-pin high density D-sub connector for video output.

IP cores by Altera: For any DE3 board purchasing it does not include any IP cores.

Prices: It is possible to get a better offer for DE3. Unlike DE2 or DE2-70, Altera does not have a fixed academic price of DE3. Altera University Program would like to support academic users to purchase DE3 by offering a discount. This special discount will be given based on our usage or needs of DE3 system.

Things to do: Complete the DE3 Application Form and send it to Terasic and they will send it to Altera. By evaluating our project requirements Altera will offer a special discount to support our purchase of DE3. Meanwhile, Altera will subsidize Terasic the balance of the list price.

Compatibility with DSP modules: An extra daughter card may be required, depends on the DSP solution chosen and we need to check it in terms of data conversion.

(2) Research plan chart

Latest research milestones:

(3) Encoder coding (C++)

The main ideas of encmain.cpp are all about the encoding process which is mainly for setting the default parameter and user defined parameters. The main function int main (int argc, char* argv[]) were called the following subfunctions: WritePicData, WriteDiagnosticsHeader, WriteDiagnosticsData, ReadPicData, Skip, GetFrameBufferSize, ChromaToString, PrefilterToString, and parse_command_line.

However, before we can explore the details of motion estimation process, there are also other source files to be considered such as comp_compress.cpp, frame_compress.cpp, quality_monitor.cpp, quan_choose.cpp and seq_compress.cpp (under libdirac_encoder folder).

(4) Transferrable skills class for this term:

Graduate School: Communicating Via E-mail• Working With Your Supervisor• The Good Viva Guide: Video Screening & Discussion• Thinking Ahead….• Writing for Journals• Overcoming PhD Problems
Language Centre: • Social Conversation (every Monday)• Vocabulary (every Tuesday)• Writing for Research (every Wednesday)• Grammar for Academic Writing (every Friday)

English Class (Week 1)

Summary of Social Conversation Class:
Lessson: A telephone enquiry
  1. Hold the line please = Wait a moment please
  2. I'll put you through = I'll connect you to ...
  3. But I can put you down for the next course if you like = write your details
  4. I'm sorry, that course is already under way for this term = in progress
  5. I'll just check for you but as a rule of thumb the cut off date for joining ... = general rule / dateline
  6. There's the off chance that someone may pull out = small chance / withdraw
  7. ...there's a lot of red tape involved and it's still up in the air so I wouldn't count on it = official rules / still undecided
  8. Places usually get snapped up as soon ... = get accepted quickly
  9. I'm sure you don't want to miss the boat again = lose the opporunity
  10. I didn't catch that = I didn't hear/understand that
Summary of Writing for Research Class:
Task: Choose a verb that reduces the informality of the sentence.
  1. ... are mainly brought on by overeating, a lack of exercise, and ciggarate smoking. (caused)
  2. Scientist are looking into innovative ways to combat AIDS. (investigating)
  3. The purpose of this paper is to try to figure out what is lacking ... (determine)
  4. Researches have recently come up with hybrid vehicles ... (developed)
  5. Rice and aquatic products make up a major part of the diet ... (constitute)
  6. The use of touch-screen voting systems could get rid of many problems ... (eliminate)
  7. Worldwide consumption of pesticides has gone up to 2.6 million metric tones. (reached)
  8. Although labor unions in the US have been able to keep up their membership numbers ... (maintain)
  9. The number of mature female turtles that return to their primary nesting beach has gone down from 1,280 ten years ago to 145 today. (decreased)
  10. The US Defense Threat Agency looks over nearly 15,000 export licence ... (reviewed)
Summary of Grammar for Academic Writing Class:
Lesson: Word Class
  1. Articles = a, an, the
  2. Conjunction = however, whereas, but ...
  3. Noun = man, park, girl friend, tree ...
  4. Verb = write, read, run, walk ...
  5. Adjectives = big, small, large, old ...
  6. Adverb = badly, dramatically, quickly ...
  7. Prepositions = in, on, at ..
  8. Interjection = "Oh!, Wow..."
  9. Punctuation = Commas, full stop ...

Thanks Kak Radiah and big clap for Dr. Radiah!

Dear all,

“The real voyage of discovery consists not only in seeking new lands, but in seeing with new eyes” - Marcel Proust.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. First of all, I praise Allah for making this journey possible, keeping me high when the tide is low.

PhD is a long process, full of its twists and turns. But as Allah said, “So, verily, with every difficulty, there is ease! Verily, with every difficulty, there is ease!” (94:5, 6). Indeed it is true. In that difficult period, I felt my life was blessed with so many great memories. Things I had no time to do whilst I was working, I was able to do during the PhD period. Everyone has his or her own challenges in life and I do not want to belittle your own challenges. I am sure we are trained to be strong. We have gone through a lot of adjustments in our lives. I remember how my son had to stay alone at home long hours and we left him with the internet and television as a substitute of our absence (both of us were doing PhD). May Allah understands and guide us to do what is best.

I meant these words when I wrote at the beginning of my thesis:

“I want to express my deepest gratitude to my husband, Mohd Radzi and my lovely children, Rozie, Liyana and Amir for being there for me. I have been too busy to be a perfect wife or a perfect mother but their supports and understanding made all the imperfections seem negligible”.

To Amir, I am deeply sorry for the long lost hours and I hope in the future, I would be able to compensate for that.

One respect in which that I feel I am so lucky, is to have friends all around me in Swansea . The University Mosque community, especially, is very supportive and I am truly grateful to Allah that through these friends, I find comfort and love. We share so many little things but when you look back, these little things are the invaluable memories that we cherish all through our lives.

I know if I do not broadcast this, it will spread anyway. So I want to break the tradition by announcing this myself:

Yesterday, 1st October, 2008 (supposed to be Eid day), at 9.15am I started my viva and Alhamdulillah, I am happy here to announce that I have been successful, except for minor corrections. However, this is not the main issue here, but I want to share some pointers so that, perhaps, those of you who are still striving will find them helpful.

Specifically for viva:
1. It is good to tell your good friends when you are having a viva. Ask them to make dua for you so that Allah will help ease the process. A lot of sincere dua from good friends might help ease the process. I told all my friends at the mosque that I was having viva and asked them to make dua for me.

2. Be relaxed. Many of these examiners are very kind at heart. They have read your thesis. Their job is to determine whether or not you did it yourself and you know it well. So just be involved in the conversation and use the time to talk so that they won’t have time to ask more questions.

3. I have a bottle of zam zam water with me in the viva room. This zam zam water was given by an Egyptian friend. It helps me to relax and to think clearly, Alhamdulillah. When I drank the water, I asked Allah to help strengthen my memory so that I could recall what I had done and gone through. Also ask for ease of speech. While examiners are talking, you can drink and make dua in your heart. Also, you might not have time to have breakfast before going for viva at 9.00 am. Zam zam water is known to satisfy hunger.

4. Make solatul hajat prior to the viva and ask those who are close to you to do it too. Duas from our mothers are the best. May Allah bless them and reward them enormously. (So remember to call your mother in Malaysia soon as you finish the viva. She has the right to know it first hand before anyone else).

5. Keep a good opinion of Allah that He will grant you success. Be positive with it as soon as you enter the room. It is ok if you are not too prepared with the literature review because your nervousness might block your mental process.

6. My family in Malaysia recited Surah Yaseen while I was in the viva room. I don’t know if this is sunnah but any ayat from the Quran is beneficial. I heard that reading Yaseen in the morning helps ease the day so I read Yaseen before I went for my viva.

7. Preparation for the viva should start from when you first embark on your PhD. You need English as a tool to communicate your answers well. It is important that while doing PhD, try to speak and write as much English as possible. Try making as many international friends as possible and engage yourself in conversation although you feel it is mentally tiring. This is a good exercise to engage in conversation with your examiners during the viva. It is not good to give “Yes” or “No” answers only.

8. During the viva, if the examiner points out a major mistake that you think is not a mistake, defend yourself. Some examiners (the brutal ones) like to challenge your work as well as your thoughts. So be ready to answer them and DO NOT say SORRY. (My supervisor pointed this out before the viva because he said there is a tendency for Malaysian students to agree with the examiners without trying to defend themselves).

9. This might not be too related to viva, but it is good to use Latex for thesis writing. It helps to do correction faster and easier than using Words. All figures and tables even references will be sorted out automatically. If you have any question on Latex, I might be able to help. I am not an expert, but I do get help from my lab mates. I found using Latex on macbook was especially useful.

These are some of the main points of my own experience. Other people went through different experiences. Either way, the most important is that you get your PhD.

I know you all might be wondering why I am writing all these. But all through this process, I waited for someone to give me some hints of what they have gone through. Although we might be very confident in our work, anything can happen within those 4 walls. Isn’t it nice to be extra prepared? And all the supplications and recitations are to relate all your effort back to Allah. We make an effort but indeed, He is the One who decides.

My PhD is almost over now. The voyage is coming to an end. I am glad I have been able to embark on this journey and I have learnt so much. I have found MYSELF in this process – able to know more of my weakness and my strengths. I also hope that we will all be supporting each other in our effort to seek knowledge and self improvement. And the most important thing is to have a correct intention for the PhD. If your deeds are for Allah, you will be given a great reward.

Truly, like I said, it has been a great experience. Just be patient while you are in the process. Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full without reckoning(39:10). Enjoy the moments when you are benefiting from this painful processes. Perhaps with patience and open mindedness, we would all be able to not to only seek new lands but also to see with new eyes.

Best wishes to all. May Allah help us to be successful and humble at the same time.



Thursday 9 October 2008

Aku Insan Yang Lemah...

Apabila Allah cepat makbulkan Doamu, Maka DIA Menyayangimu,
Apabila DIA Lambat Makbulkan doamu, Maka DIA Ingin Mengujimu,
Apabila DIA Tidak Makbulkan Doamu, Maka Dia Merancang Sesuatu Yang lebih Baik Untukmu.
Oleh itu, Sentiasalah Bersangka Baik Pada ALLAH Dalam Apa Jua Keadaan Pun... Kerana Kasih sayang ALLAH Itu Mendahului KemurkaanNya...


Wednesday 1 October 2008